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IntroductionGT package Math Olympiad
Math Olympiad 1
Math Olympiad 2
Math Olympiad 3
Math Olympiad 4
Week 1: 7-Segment Display ProblemsWeek 2: Matchstick ProblemsWeek 3: Division & Divisibility (1)Week 4: Caculation ShortcutsWeek 5: Quiz 1Week 6: Word Problem (1)Week 7: Multiples & FactorsWeek 8: Fractions & DecimalsWeek 9: Distance Problems (1)Week 10: Quiz 2Week 11: Roman NumeralsWeek 12: MeasurementWeek 13: Sum, Difference & Multiple (1)Week 14: Least & MostWeek 15: Quiz 3Week 16: Number Sense Week 17: Shape CountingWeek 18: Counting ProblemWeek 19: Fraction & Decimals (2)Week 20: Quiz 4Week 21: Average ProblemsWeek 22: Purchase & Sale Problems Week 23: Number Thinking(1)Week 24: Proportion & Ratio ProblemsWeek 25: Quiz 5Week 26: Mid-Term ExamWeek 27: Number PatternWeek 28: Calendar ProblemWeek 29: Number SequencesWeek 30: Pattern ProblemsWeek 31: Quiz 6Week 32: Age ProblemsWeek 33: Money ProblemWeek 34: Division & Divisibility (2)Week 35: GeometryWeek 36: Quiz 7Week 37: Sum, Difference & Multiple (2)Week 38: Calculation Shortcuts (2)Week 39: Combination ProblemsWeek 40: Percentage ProblemWeek 41: Quiz 8Week 42: Number SubstitutionWeek 43: Work ProblemWeek 44: Word Problems (2)Week 45: Number Thinking2Week 46: Quiz 9Week 47: Proportion & Ratio Problems(2)Week 48: Distance Problems (2)Week 49: Probability & CombinationsWeek 50: Challenge ProblemsWeek 51: Quiz 10Week 52: Final Exam
Math Olympiad 5
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Purchase & Sale Problems ( Week 22 Evaluation)
1.  How much (in dollars) do 1000 pieces of chocolate cost if 10 pieces cost $1?
2.  A group of students raised money for their newly organized basketball team by making lemonade. Each cup of lemonade cost them 12 cents and was sold for 40 cents. If 169 cups of lemonade were made and all sold out, what was the profit (in dollars) they made?
3.  Helen can buy a dozen candy bars for 24 cents. If she spends $7.2 on the candy bars and sells them for a total of $39.6, how much will she charge (in cents) for each candy bar?
4.  Jessica spent $11.88 on the pencils and sold them for a total of $17.28. If 12 pencils cost $1.32 when being bought, how much did she charge (in cents) for each pencil when she sold it?
5.  Michael was going to sell 240 donuts at 75 cents each. 40 donuts were damaged and could not be sold. At what price (in cents) must each of the remaining donuts be sold so that he could get the same amount of money as he would have gotten from the 240 donuts?
6.  George paid $7.32 tax when he bought a bicycle. The tax rate was 4%. What was the cost of the bicycle without tax (in dollars)?
7.  After a 25% discount, a DVD player cost $120.00. What was the original price of the DVD player?
8.   Edward paid a $431.46 (tax included) when he bought a computer. The tax rate was 2%. What was the cost (in dollars) of the computer without tax?
9.  154 pounds of sugar are packaged into boxes each containing
  pounds of sugar. Each box is then sold for $1.20. How much money is made from selling all the sugar (in dollars)? Round your answer to the nearest cent.
10.  A certain brand of canned food is usually sold at 3 cans for $2. Suppose the price is changed to 4 cans for $2.50. How much (in dollars) will be saved for 48 cans at the new price?

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