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IntroductionGT package Math Olympiad
Math Olympiad 1
Math Olympiad 2
Math Olympiad 3
Math Olympiad 4
Week 1: 7-Segment Display ProblemsWeek 2: Matchstick ProblemsWeek 3: Division & Divisibility (1)Week 4: Caculation ShortcutsWeek 5: Quiz 1Week 6: Word Problem (1)Week 7: Multiples & FactorsWeek 8: Fractions & DecimalsWeek 9: Distance Problems (1)Week 10: Quiz 2Week 11: Roman NumeralsWeek 12: MeasurementWeek 13: Sum, Difference & Multiple (1)Week 14: Least & MostWeek 15: Quiz 3Week 16: Number Sense Week 17: Shape CountingWeek 18: Counting ProblemWeek 19: Fraction & Decimals (2)Week 20: Quiz 4Week 21: Average ProblemsWeek 22: Purchase & Sale Problems Week 23: Number Thinking(1)Week 24: Proportion & Ratio ProblemsWeek 25: Quiz 5Week 26: Mid-Term ExamWeek 27: Number PatternWeek 28: Calendar ProblemWeek 29: Number SequencesWeek 30: Pattern ProblemsWeek 31: Quiz 6Week 32: Age ProblemsWeek 33: Money ProblemWeek 34: Division & Divisibility (2)Week 35: GeometryWeek 36: Quiz 7Week 37: Sum, Difference & Multiple (2)Week 38: Calculation Shortcuts (2)Week 39: Combination ProblemsWeek 40: Percentage ProblemWeek 41: Quiz 8Week 42: Number SubstitutionWeek 43: Work ProblemWeek 44: Word Problems (2)Week 45: Number Thinking2Week 46: Quiz 9Week 47: Proportion & Ratio Problems(2)Week 48: Distance Problems (2)Week 49: Probability & CombinationsWeek 50: Challenge ProblemsWeek 51: Quiz 10Week 52: Final Exam
Math Olympiad 5
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Distance Problems (1)( Week 9 Evaluation)
1.  Two cities A and B are connected by a train track which is 177 miles long. A train leaves city A at 8:00 AM and heads for city B at 53 MPH. At the same time, another train leaves city B and heads for city A at the speed of 65 MPH. How many hours will it take for the two trains to meet?
2.  A lion can run a short distance at a speed of 51 mph. How many yards can the lion run in one minute? Note that 1 mile = 1760 yards.
3.  Suppose a bee can fly 5 feet per second. At this rate, how many feet will it fly in 4 minutes?
A) 1197
B) 1196
C) 1202
D) 1199
E) 1200
4.  If a car can travel 1 mile in 2 minutes, how many miles will the car travel in an hour at the same speed?
5.  John drove at the speed of 36 miles per hour (MPH) to a vacation destination for 5 hours. When returning, it took him 4 hours for the same route. What was the average speed in MPH for the round trip?
A) 50
B) 49
C) 35
D) 38
E) 40
6.  Hillary took a 63-mile biking trip in 3 hours. What was her average speed in yards per minute? Note that 1 mile = 1760 yards.
7.  The Moon is about 240,000 miles from the Earth. How many hours for a spacecraft to get there if it travels at a speed of 40 miles per minute?
8.  If you plan to reach a destination that is 19.8 miles away within 33 minutes, what is the minimum average speed (in MPH) you can drive?
9.  The distance between place A and place B is 60 miles. Eric travels at 20 mph from place A to place B and returns at 30 mph. What is his average speed (mph) in the round trip? Express your answer as a decimal if needed.
10.   A motorist made a 179-mile up-hill trip at 34 mph (miles per hour). On the return down-hill trip, he travelled at 66 mph. What was the motorist's average speed in mph for the entire trip?

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