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IntroductionGT package Math Olympiad
Math Olympiad 1
Math Olympiad 2
Math Olympiad 3
Math Olympiad 4
Week 1: 7-Segment Display ProblemsWeek 2: Matchstick ProblemsWeek 3: Division & Divisibility (1)Week 4: Caculation ShortcutsWeek 5: Quiz 1Week 6: Word Problem (1)Week 7: Multiples & FactorsWeek 8: Fractions & DecimalsWeek 9: Distance Problems (1)Week 10: Quiz 2Week 11: Roman NumeralsWeek 12: MeasurementWeek 13: Sum, Difference & Multiple (1)Week 14: Least & MostWeek 15: Quiz 3Week 16: Number Sense Week 17: Shape CountingWeek 18: Counting ProblemWeek 19: Fraction & Decimals (2)Week 20: Quiz 4Week 21: Average ProblemsWeek 22: Purchase & Sale Problems Week 23: Number Thinking(1)Week 24: Proportion & Ratio ProblemsWeek 25: Quiz 5Week 26: Mid-Term ExamWeek 27: Number PatternWeek 28: Calendar ProblemWeek 29: Number SequencesWeek 30: Pattern ProblemsWeek 31: Quiz 6Week 32: Age ProblemsWeek 33: Money ProblemWeek 34: Division & Divisibility (2)Week 35: GeometryWeek 36: Quiz 7Week 37: Sum, Difference & Multiple (2)Week 38: Calculation Shortcuts (2)Week 39: Combination ProblemsWeek 40: Percentage ProblemWeek 41: Quiz 8Week 42: Number SubstitutionWeek 43: Work ProblemWeek 44: Word Problems (2)Week 45: Number Thinking2Week 46: Quiz 9Week 47: Proportion & Ratio Problems(2)Week 48: Distance Problems (2)Week 49: Probability & CombinationsWeek 50: Challenge ProblemsWeek 51: Quiz 10Week 52: Final Exam
Math Olympiad 5
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Word Problems (2)( Week 44 Evaluation)
1.  How many boxes which can hold 16 apples are needed to hold 192 pounds of apples if two apples weigh one pound?
A) 23
B) 27
C) 24
D) 26
E) 28
2.  People are sorted by their last name in lots of cases. A school is trying to be fair, so students are sorted with various systems in different occasions. One of the systems is based on a calculated index of their first name. Let A=1, B=2, C=3, ..., Y=25 and Z=26. The calculated index is determined by adding the value of all letters in the name. Can you sort the following names based on the system in ascending index value (if both names have the same index value, keep their original order)? You need to type the names exactly as they are shown below with the first character in upper case. Before sort: Eric, Mary, Richard. After sort: , , .
3.  In a group of 60 high school students, 37 of them took Physics, 34 of them took Economics, and 13 took both subjects. How many of them took neither Physics nor Economics?
4.  Out of 70 people, 20 can both swim and ski, and 14 cannot swim nor ski. If 51 people can swim, how many people can ski?
5.  There are 12 tables numbered 1-12 which are equally spaced around a round garden in the number order. What is the number of the table directly across from the table numbered 4?
6.  The charge for a taxi ride in a city is $3.00 for the first mile and then $0.60 for each additional mile. What is the cost for a ride of 10 miles?
A) $10.20
B) $6.00
C) $7.20
D) $8.40
E) $9.00
7.  Mary spent exactly $1 for 5-cent stamps and 18-cent stamps. How many 5-cent stamps did she buy?
8.  If the cost of 4 apples is equal to the cost of 5 oranges, and the cost of 7 oranges is equal to the cost of 8 pears. How many apples would have the same cost as 40 pears?
9.  The edges of a square area is 1000 yards. Nick go 130 yards due north from the center of the square , and then walk 160 yards due east. In which of the following will Nick walk out of square ranges from current point?
I. due west 806 yards
II. due west 645 yards
III. due south 815 yards
A) III only
B) None
C) I and III only
D) I and II only
E) I, II and III
10.  A fast clock gains 3 minutes per hour and a slow clock loses 7 minutes per hour. At a certain time, both clocks are set to the correct time. At some point in the next 6 hours, the slow clock registered 04:00, and at the same moment the fast clock registered 05:00. What was the correct time at that moment (Express your answer as HH:MM)?

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