Where Practice Brings Success
Number Analogies
Time - 1 minutes
5 questions
Direction: Figure out how the first two pairs of numbers are related and then select the number from the choices to fill the question mark so that the third pair of numbers have the same relationship as the first two pairs.
1.  [4 → 2] [5 → 3] [6 → ?]
A) 5B) 8C) 4D) 1E) 6
2.  [6 → 14] [8 → 16] [10 → ?]
A) 15B) 18C) 22D) 16E) 19
3.  [13 → 5] [21 → 13] [9 → ?]
A) 3B) 0C) 5D) 4E) 1
4.  [14 → 7] [16 → 8] [18 → ?]
A) 9B) 11C) 8D) 6E) 5
5.  [62 → 4] [71 → 6] [52 → ?]
A) 1B) 2C) 7D) 0E) 3

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